Air Quality – Health and student academic performance


Air Quality – Health and student academic performance

Every child deserves a healthy learning environment Children are naturally more vulnerable to environmental hazards because their bodies are still developing. poor environmental conditions in schools, as poor cleaning or insufficient ventilation can cause serious health problems for children. There is increasing evidence that indoor air quality (IAQ) directly affects the health and academic performance estudante.1,2 The IAQ refers to air features indoor as pollutant levels, moisture, temperature , etc., that affect the health, comfort and performance capabilities of the occupants.

Measures to improve the Q A I schools are key to improving the health and academic performance of the student. Developing the subject based on evidence Scientific evidence has long shown a link between poor IAQ and respiratory health effects, including asthma. It was shown that maintenance problems in schools, such as mold and humidity or excessive use of cleaning products trigger asthma and allergies. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), asthma is a leading cause of faults escola.3 Several studies have shown that the overall performance of children decreases with diseases or faults in escolas.4,5 Evidence scientific increases quantitative and qualitative evidence shows that the relationship between IAQ and performance and productivity are more solid. Studies show that the best IAQ increases productivity and improves the performance of intellectual tasks, such as concentration and memory, both adults and children.6 With this, it reinforces the need for schools to create IAQ management plans, including measures maintaining critical, as an essential part of an education development strategy.

Evidence from the scientific literature Scientific evidence shows that there are significant areas in which schools can act to improve IAQ in order to improve the health and performance of students and school staff. In fact, a structured maintenance program is a cornerstone in the academic performance and IAQ. Managing your school environment despite the low operating budget The school boards and administrators usually consider the maintenance budget as “special budget” that can be cut without affecting the essential needs of the academic program; However, the scientific literature shows the opposite: • Health, attendance and academic performance can improve with the improvement of manutenção.7, 8 • Schools in better physical conditions show better academic performance, while schools with fewer staff of general services and more accumulations maintenance show academic performance inferior.9 the Effects of air ventilation in Health and performance ventilation rates in most schools are below levels recomendados.10 However, ensure adequate air ventilation rates in all rooms classes can: • Reduce the faults and the transmission of diseases infecciosas.11 • Improve overall health and productivity of teachers. • Improve test scores and performance on the completion of intellectual tasks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 In one study, students in classes with higher rates of outdoor air ventilation had results 14 to 15% better on standardized tests than children in classrooms with lower rates of air vent exterior.18 Also, ensure cleaning of the drain trays and other components of air conditioning and heating system reduces the occurrence of disease in occupants. Control mold and moisture to reduce asthma symptoms humidity and mold in homes, offices and schools cause significant increase in various health outcomes related to respiratory problems and asma.19 20 • Asthma is the leading cause of absences in schools, which hinders academic performance. 21 • Symptoms identified among occupants of buildings exposed to moisture or mold include: cough, sore throat, fatigue, headache and wheezing.

Establish a management program IAQ Many effective school programs IAQ management are implemented in conjunction with other health programs such as physical education, nutrition and counseling services. Implementation of IAQ management strategies, including moisture management, integrated pest management and proper ventilation helps control environmental triggers and relates to asthma and other health initiatives. The literature suggests that the integration of health programs with a coordinated and comprehensive program can achieve better learning outcomes and health, allowing schools have better efficiency recursos.1,2 To learn more about IAQ management programs in schools, visit